ND Economist: Cullen F. Goenner

About Us

  • Research Interests

    I am a macroeconomist and applied econometrician, whose current research focus is in the area of Banking, Credit, and Macroeconomics. My early work and dissertation examined the relations between trade and interstate conflict. I have also done extensive research on factors that influence college student outcomes.

  • Banking, Credit, and Macroeconomics

    I am currently studying the management of credit unions and banks. My past work in this area is broad, ranging from estimating the inter-temporal elasticity of substitution to evaluating discrimination in mortgage markets. My work in this area has been published in Business & Society, Financial Review, Journal of Banking and Finance, Journal of Macroeconomics, Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, and Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting.

  • International Conflict

    Policymakers are increasingly interested in the possibility that increasing international business activity, via trade, may reduce the likelihood of international conflict. My research examines under what conditions this is true. My work in this area has been published in Conflict Management and Peace Science, and the Journal of Peace Research.

  • Education Outcomes

    My research with various co-authors has used predictive modeling to examine factors that influence student borrowing, graduation rates, enrollment decisions, and academic performance using individual and institution level data. My work in this area has been published in Journal of College Student Development, Journal of College Student Retention, and Research in Higher Education.

Working Papers

"Demographic composition of the board and the managerial efficiency of credit unions”.

"More Credit, More Problems? Federal Student Loan Limits and Education Outcomes," with Chih Ming Tan.

"Variety is the Spice of Life and Cure for Interstate Conflict".


"The impact of payday alternative loans on credit union performance and loan quality," Journal of Consumer Affairs (Forthcoming). Read the Paper , Web Appendix

"The robust lessons learned from bank failures during the Great Financial Crisis,” Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting (Forthcoming). Read the Paper

"Audit Engagement Partner Ideology, Homophily, and Audit Quality," with Xiaoli Guo & Matt Notbohm, Journal of Business Finance and Accounting (Forthcoming). Read the Paper , Web Appendix

"Majority-Minority Boards of Directors and Decision Making: The Effects of Homophily on Lending Decisions," Business & Society, 62(1):54-86, 2023. Read the Paper , Web Appendix

"Political Ideology and CEO Performance under Crisis," with Katherine Campbell, Matt Notbohm, & Adam Smedema, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 58(1):329-359, 2022. Read the Paper

"The Capital Structure of Domestic and Foreign Denominated Debt: Firm-level Evidence from South Korea, " with Kwan Yong Lee, International Review of Financial Analysis, 83: Article 102268, 2022. Read the Paper

"Uncertain Times and Predictions of Bank Failures," Financial Review, 55(4): 583-601, 2020. Read the Paper , Web Appendix

"The Market for Private Student Loans: An Analysis of Credit Union Involvement, Risk, and Returns," Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 50(4): 1227-1251, 2018. Read the Paper

"The Policy Impact of New Rules for Loan Participation on Credit Union Returns", Journal of Banking and Finance, 73:198-210, 2016. Read the Paper

"Mission Accomplished: A Reply to Reuveny and Keshk", Conflict Management and Peace Science, 30(1):19-23, 2013. Read the Paper

"Survival of the Fittest: What do early behaviors tells us about student outcomes?" with Melissa Harris & Kenton Pauls, Journal of College Student Development, 54(1):43-61, 2013. Read the Paper

"Simultaneity between trade and conflict: Endogenous Instruments of Mass Destruction", Conflict Management and Peace Science, 28(5):459-477, 2011. Read the Paper   ,Replication Data and Web Appendix

"From Toys to Warships: Interdependence and the Effects of Disaggregated Trade on Militarized Disputes." Journal of Peace Research, 47(5): 547-559, 2010. Read the Paper ,   Replication Data and Web Appendix

"Discrimination and Mortgage Lending in Boston: The Effects of Model Uncertainty", Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 40(3): 260-285, 2010. Read the Paper

"Investing in Fortune's 100 Best Companies to Work for in America," Journal of Economics, 34(1): 1-20, 2008. Read the Paper

"A Life-Cycle Approach to the Intertemporal Elasticity of Substitution" with Daniel K. Biederman, Journal of Macroeconomics, 30(1):481-498, 2008. Read the Paper

"Economic War and Democratic Peace," Conflict Management and Peace Science, 24(3): 171-182, 2007. Read the Paper Replication Data

"A Predictive Model of Inquiry to Enrollment," with Kenton Pauls, Research in Higher Education, 47(8): 935-956, 2006. Read the Paper

"Accounting for Model Uncertainty in the Prediction of University Graduation Rates," with Sean M. Snaith, Research in Higher Education, 45(1): 25-41, 2004. Read the Paper

"Predicting graduation rates: An analysis of student and institutional factors at doctoral universities," with Sean M. Snaith. Journal of College Student Retention, 5(4): 409-420, 2004. Read the Paper

"Uncertainty of the Liberal Peace," Journal of Peace Research, 41(5): 589-605, 2004. Read the Paper ,   Replication Data

"Assessing the Impact of Increased Admission Standards," with Sean M. Snaith. College and University, 80(1): 29-34, 2004.

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